How to Create a Recurring Open Orders Report

Article author
Edward Andrews
  • Updated

Description: This article will guide you through setting up a rolling 31 day open orders report.


DataNow has a report titled “Device Monitoring”, which will display any devices with approved offline, completion pending or submitted orders.


It is imperative that these devices are synced and closed out as soon as possible after an event. Letting these orders sit on a device could lead to those orders never syncing and a potential loss of revenue.


It is highly recommended to schedule a recurring report to see these open orders.


Schedule Format

At the top, set the Calendar Date filter to “is in the last 31 days”

Then select the three vertical dot button in the top right corner and choose Schedule Delivery.

Arrange your Settings and Advanced options tabs so they look similar this:

After this is configured, click Save.



Once this is completed, you will now receive a daily snapshot into the open orders at your organization for a rolling 31 day period.

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