Creating Merchandise Item in Canopy

Article author
Jaclyn Hope Gilkey
  • Updated

Creating Merchandise Item in Canopy


This tutorial will explain how to create a merchandise item in Canopy, as well as how to view your newly created item.


Step 1:

Hover over and select Screen_Shot_2022-03-01_at_8.19.04_PM.png



Step 2:

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select


Step 3:

Enter the items information. All fields must be filled out in order to create the item successfully. Although, “Special Type” can be left as “None”.



Step 4:

Select . You will know that the item has been successfully created when you see (as seen below). To view the created item, select Screen_Shot_2022-03-01_at_8.20.40_PM.pngby repeating step 1 above, and continue to step 5.




Step 5:

You can find your item by scrolling through all items or by utilizing the search bar at the top right of the page. An item can be searched by item name or SKU.



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