Loyalty - Affiliations

Article author
Jaime Baker
  • Updated

This article explains how to view and search for Loyalty Affiliations in Canopy 2.0. A VenueNext Loyalty Affiliation is a group that users can be assigned to in order to receive specific discounts or benefits.



How to View a Loyalty Affiliation

  1. In Canopy 2.0, select the Loyalty drop-down on the left side of the screen.
  2. Choose Affiliations from the list.
  3. All available Loyalty Affiliations will display on the page.
  4. To find a specific Loyalty Affiliation, use the search box on the right side of the page.
    Note: The search only accepts an Affiliation Name.
  5. The following details are available for each Loyalty Affiliation:
    • Name
    • External ID
    • Login Provider
    • Badge Color
    • Rank

This information allows for easy identification and management of Loyalty Affiliations within Canopy 2.0.

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