How To Troubleshoot POS:
I ONLY SEE A QR CODE-- What Should I Do?
If you are seeing a QR code on your device screen (POS, Orderboard) follow the steps below to troubleshoot;
Step 1:
Take a photo of the QR Code, submit the image to the Help Desk via email or Support Request. Click here to learn how to submit support requests. Once the QR code has been registered, select
Step 2:
Once your device has been registered, select the Device Type. In this instance, select Concessions POS
Step 3:
Select the Menu you wish to order from, here you will select the location menu that the POS should be set to order from. Select to be brought to the POS Screen
How Do I Know If I’m Online?
The following images will help you determine if you are online/offline and what to do if this occurs.
How to Identify Network Issues:
At the top right hand side of the screen, will be an icon next to the words network, as indicated here . If your system is operating slow or shows signs of potentially being off line you will see the icon
How to Troubleshoot:
If you are seeing connectivity issues, you can troubleshoot this by selecting the and navigate to Orders
Once you Select you will be brought to the Orders Page. If there is a specific order highlighted upon accessing the page tap the X at the top right side. You will then see the Total Revenue and orders for the POS Location you are working in.
If the network is delayed or off line you will see the order numbers out of sync.
Note: Orders created shows 2 but Orders Synced shows 1. That means 1 order has yet to get sent to the backend.
To attempt a manual sync scroll down to the bottom of the Summary Page and select Sync Orders Now or Sync Refunds Now (pending which orders are showing as out of Sync in the POS). This will trigger the system to attempt a manual sync.
PLEASE NOTE: The system syncs frequently throughout service, if the sync fails, the system will continue to sync regardless of being triggered by the user. However, this is the best way to identify if you are offline.
My Device is Running Slow
If you PAX device is running slow try clearing the data by following these steps;
Step 1: Push the power button on top right of the device
Step 2: Select Reboot
Step 3: Reboot (this will take 2 minutes)
Step 4: Select the settings widget
Step 5: Input the passcode for the device: 9876
Step 6: In the settings scroll to Apps
Step 7: Select the SkyTab Venue app
(black logo)
Step 8: Tap Storage
Step 9: Select Clear Data
Step 10: Select the O on the bottom center of the device to get back to the Home Screen
Step 11: Select the SkyTab Venue POS app
to relaunch POS App
**If there are un-synced orders they will be removed, please make sure all orders are synced prior to actioning this on your device. Email if you find you are having further issues.
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