Creating PINS for Full Service and Quick Service POS in Suites Manager

Article author
Jaclyn Hope Gilkey
  • Updated

Creating Service PINS for Full/Quick Service POS


This tutorial will explain how to create a new Server and update a PIN for an employee.

Creating NEW Team Member PINS


Step 1:

Select and select Staff

Step 2:

Select to add a new team member


Step 3:

Enter the new attendant’s information here. You can add as much information as you like, however, the highlighted fields are recommended and required to be completed to create the user.

The POS PIN should be the same as the Employee ID or it can be based on the internal Employee ID (If left blank the system will create the Employee a Unique user ID)


Step 4:

Assign a role to the attendant. Note that if you choose “Manager”, they will have the ability to void. Suite Attendant will give them normal Server/Bartender POS access (no voiding permissions).

  • Suite Attendant -  Server/Bartender Role: Unable to void/refund
  • Cart Attendant - Cashier Role: Unable to void/refund
  • Supervisor - Stand Lead role: Unable to void/refund unable to approve any POS changes that require a Manager PIN
  • Manager - Voiding and Refund capabilities. This user is able to approve any POS changes that require a Manager PIN

Step 5:

Leave the menus selected, although they may not appear to be related to the operation, they should remain checked regardless




Select  to add the user


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