Applying Multiple Tenders to a Tab

Article author
Amber Lopez
  • Updated

One or more tenders can be applied to an open tab at any time. Once the balance due has reached zero, the order can be closed. Follow the steps below to apply or modify a tender on an order.


Apply a Tender:

1) For an open tab, tap Close Order

2) Tap Split Payment

3) When you arrive at the Split Tender screen, you can select whether to calculate the tender to apply by number of checks, % of the check subtotal or a custom amount. Once you have selected a tender amount, tap Confirm 


4) Select a payment method and proceed through the normal payment flow for either Cash or Credit Card and arrive at the receipt for the applied tender

5) Repeat steps 1-4 to apply additional tenders


Modify or Cancel an Applied Tender:

1) For an open tab, tap Close Order

2) Tap Split Payment

3) When you arrive at the Split Tender screen, tap the tender you would like to update


4) To cancel, tap Cancel Tender and confirm

5) To update the tender amount or gratuity amount on the tender, tap Update. Either keep the same amount or enter a new amount, tap Confirm and Proceed through the payment flow.


Close Order with Multiple Tenders:

1) To close a multi-tender order, once the balance due on the order has reached zero, navigate to the split tender screen and tap Close Order



View Receipt for Applied Tenders:

1) For an open tab, tap Details > More Options > View Receipt OR for a close tab, tap Details > View Receipt

2) Select a tender and tap View Receipt









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