Change Menus on the VenueNext POS

Article author
Nicole Amero
  • Updated

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Change Menus

Description: Learn how to change menus on the VenueNext Pos.


1.If you would like to change the menu or revenue center on a particular point off sale device, start by selecting the hamburger menu (3 lines) in the upper left of the screen:

Once you select this symbol hamburger menu (3 lines)the drop down menu in the image below will appear. Select configuration

Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 3.55.47 PM.png

2. You will be redirected to the select menu screen seen below. Select the back button.Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 3.57.19 PM.png

3. Select the Device Type you are going to be using. Select Next.

device type.png

4. From the Select Menu screen you can select which Menu you would like to work from. Hit Next.

Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 4.01.18 PM.png

5. From the Select Receipt Printer screen select which Printer you are using. Select Done

Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 4.03.18 PM.png

6. You will be directed to the log in screen.

Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 4.04.36 PM.png

7. From the login screen sign in to the POS and you will be brought to the Menu you have selected

Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 4.06.35 PM.png



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