In order to create sections, seats and service types for a venue, you must upload the seat manifest with the aisles and services for that seat.
Seats/Aisles and Services
There are a few reasons that we add this information to Canopy:
We can assign certain services to certain seats. So if someone in section 101 enters their seat, they see a delivery option. If someone in sect 201 enters their seat, they do not see a delivery option.
If the delivery service is available, the nearest aisle will print on the receipt so the runner can deliver from the closest aisle to that seat.
To upload seat and service information, to Location--> Upload Seats in Canopy and you will see the page to upload your seats, aisles, and services.
File Format:
- The upload file must be a CSV (comma separated value) file.
- The csv file must have these exact headers and must be in the exact order shown (#1 above).
- Seat, Row Aisle, Section, Section Level, Section Area & Suite? columns can not be blank.
- Suite? must be lowercase so if the location is a suite put "yes" if it is not put "no".
- Food Service Types & Merchandise Service Type columns can be left blank if one or the other will not be offered in the venue.
- Download a sample seat manifest template here.
Service Types
Use a slash (/) to separate multiple types of services. Here are the types of available services:
- In-Seat Delivery = Delivery
- Express Pickup (Guest picks up the order) = Concessions
- Deliver for Pickup (Guest is notified when their order is ready) = DeliverForPickup
- Delivery the Order to a Friend = Friend Delivery
Once you have your CSV file in the proper format, click "Choose File" (#2 above) and select the file to upload.
Delete Existing Seats
Any seat that is uploaded will be added to the existing seats already in the system. So if there are seats uploaded and you would like to add new seats, upload just the incremental seats.
If you would like to replace the existing seats because you are adding new services or information to a lot of seats at once, you should click the button to "Delete Existing Seats" (#3 above). This will remove the existing data and replace it with the new data you are uploading.
Click the green button to upload your seat information
Check After Uploading
There are a few places to check to ensure your seats are uploaded:
- Seat Selector in the App: Check the app itself to make sure the seats are available in the seat selector. When you select a seat, ensure that the correct service type appears.
- Seat/Service Mapping: Location-->Section Mapping-->Edit Product Service Type Maps
- Check the Aisle-Location Mapping
See the video on Uploading Seats
- sample_manifest_template.csv102 Bytes
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