Discounts & Promos

Article author
Amber Lopez
  • Updated


Please know only certain customers use this feature so check with VenueNext about setting it up for your venue.

Discounts and Promotions

How to set up and manage affiliations, discount, and promotions

In Canopy, go to F&B → Discounts and Promotions and you will see the Overview Page and your list of discounts and promotions

Overview Page

  1. The overview tab shows the current set of discounts and promotions that have been created. The affiliation tab shows the groups of people that are eligible.
  2. Search or Filter to find the discount/ promotion you would like to see or edit
  3. Click at the top right to add a discount or promotion. Only create the discount/promotion when there is an affiliation (group of people set up)
  4. The left column can be used to prioritize the current discounts/ promos in case someone is eligible for more than one. Drag and drop them in priority order.
  5. Name (Internal): This is the internal name in Canopy and does not appear in the app.
  6. Venue: This shows the number of venues and locations that have this discount/ promotion
  7. Type: Discount vs Promotion. Promotions have codes and discounts apply automatically.
  8. Start and End Dates: These are the dates for the discounts/promos
  9. Status: Shows if the discount/promo is active or not
  10. When a discount/promotion is selected, it appears to the right. You can see the major details of the promotion and make it active or inactive. Manually changing active or inactive overrides the dates that are set for it to be active. Click VIEW OFFER DETAILS to see and edit the details of the discount/promotion.

How to Set Up Discounts and Promotions

F&B → Discounts and Promotions

Creating a Discount/Promotion

  • Once you have your affiliations set, you can create a promotion that applies to them

1. From the Overview Tab, click ADD DISCOUNT OR PROMO in the upper right

2. Basic Information

  • Active: Makes the promo/discount active or inactive. You can manually set the timing below and adjusting this overrides the automated active dates.
  • Name (External): The name that Guests will see in the app in the checkout flow
  • Name (Internal): The internal name for Canopy
  • Short Description: 500 character max
  • Long Description: more than 1000 character max
  • Disclaimer: Any disclaimer text for the app to list

3. Reporting Codes

  • Reporting codes are finance codes for reporting


 4. Redemption

  • Redemption Method: The discount/promotion can be applied automatically or manually entered. Add the manual promo code if there is one.
  • Max Number of Uses: Add a limit if needed
  • Stackability: Stackable means that this discount/ promotion be added to other offers.

5. Availability

  • Venues: Add eligible venues for the discounts
  • Locations: Add eligible locations for the discounts
  • Menus: Add the eligible menus for the discounts
  • Time Zone: Default is the local time zone
  • Start Date: Start of the promotion/discount
  • End Date: Add an end date or leave it blank to keep the discount/promotion running
  • Enable Days of the Week: Select days
  • Included Affiliations: Add the affiliations that apply to the discount/promotion.
  • Display on Promo Page: Shows the promotion on the list of promotions. Encourages those not eligible to sign up for membership.


 6. Adjustment Details

  • Range and Adjustment Amount or Percentage: Add the min or max check levels and add the percentage or dollar adjustment. Add another tier of discounts if needed. The max of the first tier will match the minimum of the 2nd tier.
  • Adjustment Level: Adjust the entire check or just qualified items
  • Inclusions/Exclusions: You can include items or exclude items for the offers. Ex: no discount on alcohol so that will be excluded from the discount/promotion. If you do exclude items, you can label in the disclaimer text.
  • Search and select items to add inclusions or exclusions
  • Update Discount: Be sure to save your changes



In order for this discount to apply to your global items, you must go into global items and check the discountable check box.



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