Settings - Custom Tenders

Article author
Jaime Baker
  • Updated

This article explains searching for, managing, and creating Custom Tenders in Menu Manager. Custom Tenders allow unique or alternative payment options outside of standard methods like credit cards, debit cards, or cash. These tenders appear under the “Other” payment options in the POS system.



How to Search for a Custom Tender

  1. Access Menu Manager Settings by going to your
  2. In Menu Manager, select the Settings drop-down on the left side of the screen.
  3. Choose Custom Tenders from the list.
  4. All available Custom Tenders will be displayed on this page.
  5. To search for a specific Custom Tender, use the search box on the right side of the page.
    Note: Enter the exact name of the desired tender OR keywords and the search will automatically begin.
  6. All Custom Tenders matching the search criteria will appear.



How to Create a Custom Tender

  1. In Menu Manager, select the Settings drop-down on the left side of the screen.
  2. Choose Custom Tenders from the list.
  3. Select the Blue Plus Icon at the top right of the page to open the Add Custom Tender panel.
  4. In the Add Custom Tender panel, you can add the following information:
    1. Display Name
    2. Revenue Centers:
      • Assign the Custom Tender to all Revenue Centers or select specific Revenue Centers that should have access to it.
    3. Require Manager PIN:
      • Toggle this on to require a Manager PIN when using the Custom Tender.
  5. Once the required information is added, select Save to create the Custom Tender. To discard changes, select the X at the top right corner of the panel.



Managing a Custom Tender

Note: Customer Tenders cannot be deleted or renamed as they are saved for reporting purposes.

  1. In the Edit Custom Tender panel, you can view and update the following details:
    • Tender Status:
      • If active, you can deactivate the tender by selecting the Deactivate Custom Tender button at the bottom of the panel.
      • If inactive, select the Reactivate Custom Tender button at the top, then click Save to reactivate it.
    • Assigned Revenue Centers:
      • Use the expander arrow next to Revenue Centers to manage which Revenue Centers should have access to the Custom Tender.
    • Require Manager PIN:
      • Toggle this on to require a Manager PIN when applying the Custom Tender.
  2. After making any changes, select Save at the bottom of the panel, or select the X at the top right to discard changes.

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