Status - Global Items

Article author
Jaime Baker
  • Updated

This article explains how to search for and manage the availability of Global Items. Items created under the Menus - Items section appear under Status - Global Items.

How to Search for a Global Item

  1. In Canopy 2.0, select the Status drop-down on the left side of the screen.
  2. Choose Global Items from the list.
  3. All Global Items will appear on this page in alphabetical order.
  4. Use the search box on the right side to enter the name of the desired Global Item.
    Note: Search by item name, not the SKU.
  5. Items matching the search criteria will appear.

The following information is available for each item:

  • Item Name
  • SKU
  • Display Category
    Note: If the item does not have a Display Category, this field will be blank.
  • Availability Toggle
    Note: If the toggle is blue and switched to the right, the item is available for all Revenue Centers. A specific Revenue Center can toggle the item as unavailable under Status - Revenue Centers.

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