Status - Revenue Centers

Article author
Jaime Baker
  • Updated

This article explains how to search for and manage the status of revenue centers in Canopy 2.0. The Status - Revenue Centers page allows users to pause, close, or open revenue centers, and manage item and alcohol availability for individual or global revenue centers.

How to Search for a Revenue Center

  1. In Canopy 2.0, select the Status drop-down on the left side of the screen.
  2. Choose Revenue Centers from the list.
  3. All Revenue Centers in the venue will display by default.
  4. Use the search box on the right side to enter the name of the desired Revenue Center.
  5. Revenue Centers matching the search criteria will appear.

How to Manage the Status of a Revenue Center

  1. In Canopy 2.0, select the Status drop-down on the left side of the screen.
  2. Choose Revenue Centers from the list.
  3. All Revenue Centers will display by default.
  4. Locate a specific Revenue Center or use the search function.
  5. Manage the following:
    • Star icon: Sorts the selected Revenue Center to the top of the list.
    • Alcohol Availability: For PICKUP and POS.
    • Accept New Orders Status: Options are Open, Pause, or Closed for PICKUP and POS.
    • Item Availability at this Revenue Center.

How to Manage the Status of All Revenue Centers

  1. In Canopy 2.0, select the Status drop-down on the left side of the screen.

  2. Choose Revenue Centers from the list.

  3. Select Global Availability at the top right of the page.

    Note: Alcohol and Service Availability toggles affect all menus but do not impact open orders.

  4. Manage the following within Global Availability:

    • Alcohol Availability for:
      • Everywhere
      • Mobile Delivery
      • Mobile Pickup
      • POS
      • Kiosk
    • Service Availability for:
      • Everywhere
      • Mobile Delivery
      • Mobile Pickup
      • Kiosk

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