Managing POS Accounts involves creating and maintaining accounts for your cashiers or managers, either individually or in bulk. This guide covers both approaches: creating individual accounts and uploading multiple accounts via a CSV file for faster setup.
The accounts created by following the steps below will be considered "Organization Attendants" and can be used throughout all venues assigned to the current organization.
Creating Individual POS Accounts
For cases where you need to create or update individual POS Accounts, follow these steps:
- Navigate to Canopy 2.0 > Settings > POS Accounts section.
- Click the [ + ] to open the account creation form.
- Fill in the following details:
- Name: The first and last name of the user that identifies the account.
- Email (Optional): The user’s email address included in account exports.
- Phone Number (Optional): The user’s phone number included in account exports.
- External Reference ID (Optional): An ID used for linking this account to external systems or references.
- If not provided, a generated External Reference ID will be created for you.
- PIN: A unique 5-6 digit number used for authentication into the POS application.
- This PIN must be unique to all accounts in the current organization.
- Role: Select either "Cashier" or "Manager" based on the account’s level of access.
4. Click Save to create the account.
Bulk Uploading POS Accounts
To enhance the creation of multiple accounts at once, operators can now upload a CSV file containing the account details. This feature is useful for setting up large groups of accounts quickly.
- In the POS Accounts section, select the Upload Accounts button to access the upload modal.
- Download the provided CSV template.
- Populate the template with your account details following the format:
- First and Last Name (required)
- PIN (required, 5-6 digits)
- Role (required, must be "cashier" or "manager")
4. Upload the completed CSV file.
File Upload Validations
After selecting the file, several validations are performed:
- File Type Validation:
- The file must be in CSV format.
- If a non-CSV file is selected, an error toast will appear, prompting you to download the correct template.
- Column Header Validation:
- The column headers in your file must match the headers in the provided template exactly.
- If there’s a mismatch, an error toast will request you to download the template again.
- File Content Validation:
- PIN Requirements:
- The PIN must be 5-6 digits long.
- The PIN must be unique within the file (no duplicates).
- The PIN cannot match any existing accounts within your organization.
- Role Requirements:
- The role must be either "cashier" or "manager".
- PIN Requirements:
If any of these conditions aren’t met, a detailed modal will display the problematic accounts that were not created. You can download this list, correct the issues, and re-upload the file.
Handling Validation Errors
If any errors are detected in the uploaded file, the system will flag the problematic accounts and allow you to download the error report. This report contains details about the failed accounts, so you can make corrections before trying again.
Tips for Managing POS Accounts
- For individual accounts, double-check that all required fields are filled out correctly before saving.
- Legacy POS Accounts that are assigned to a specific venue will present the option to convert the account to an Organization Attendant. Once converted, the POS Account can be used throughout all of the venues in the current organization. If the account remains assigned to a single venue, the account attributes cannot be updated until converted.
- For bulk uploads, always start with the provided CSV template to avoid format issues.
- Ensure that the role and PIN are valid and unique for each account to avoid upload errors.
If you would like additional assistance, please reach out to us at help@venuenext.com.
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