- This guide will cover the Physical Configuration, Android Settings, and SkyTab Venue Configuration of your PAX L1400(Elys Station) and A3700(Elys Tablet) payment devices.
- Before starting this guide please ensure you have completed the Network Whitelist and reviewed the Network Requirements.
L1400 Contents,
- This is what ships in your L1400 Box. Not all of the hardware included is required for the Implementation.
Contents: | Required for Installation: |
L1400 Smart Desktop Terminal | Yes |
Power Adapter | Yes |
AC Power Cable | Yes |
Mounting Plate | Yes |
Mounting Screws and Thumb Nuts | No |
D135 (Ships Mounted to the L1400) | No (Requires PH1 for Removal) |
T3400 Elys Hub | Yes |
- The D135 Card Reader is mounted on the right side of the L1400. Remove the two PH1 Screws and firmly push the Card Reader away from the workstation to release the glue holding it down.
- If there’s no D135 Card Reader installed then you may skip this step.
Attaching and Removing the Mounting Plate,
The Mounting Plate only goes on one way as seen on the Left. You should hear a Solid Click sound when correctly mounted. Removing the Mounting Plate involves pressing the Button as seen on the Right and Pulling the Plate away from the workstation.
- The Mounting Plate may slide very easily on most surfaces. Its purpose is to protect the USB C Ports on the bottom from accidental spills. It’s recommended that you acquire Adhesive Feet to raise the unit even higher to further protect the workstation from spills and it will also allow the workstation to not slide on surfaces. Bumper Specialties
- The Mounting Plate should be installed after all cables are connected and cable management is completed.
A3700 Contents,
- This is what ships in your A3700 Box. Not all of the hardware included is required for the Implementation.
Contents: | Required for Installation: |
A3700 Smart Payment Terminal | Yes |
Power Cable | Yes |
Power Adapter | No |
Cleaning the Devices,
- Do not use industrial strength or abrasive cleaner as it may damage or scratch the screen.
- Do not immerse the device in water or liquid.
Do not spray water or cleaner into the EMV Card Reader or ports.
- To clean the screen, apply distilled water or mild glass cleaner(Optical Solution) onto a soft, lint-free cloth(Microfiber) and gently wipe the terminal.
Connecting the Hardware,
1. In your L1400 Box, you will find a Power Hub(Elys HUB). This hub is your power source for the L1400 and any connected peripherals that don’t require separate power. See the Diagram below,
2. From the above Diagram, follow the steps to provide power to your HUB and then power to your L1400.
- If you’re getting a network connection from a Cat 5(Ethernet Cable) follow the above Diagram. (The cable can plug into either Ethernet port on the Power Adapter side.)
Connecting the A3700 to the L1400(Temporarily),
1. We first set up the hardware using Pogo Pins. This allows all the updated firmware to download, enabling the A3700 to be directly connected to the L1400 via one of the USB-C ports beneath the workstation.
2. The reason why this setup is temporary is because the Recommended and Encouraged permanent setup of the hardware is Via the USB C Cable that ships with the A3700.
- This allows for a stronger, more solid connection between both devices when processing payments.
- On the back of the L1400, you’ll find a Pogo Pin cover. Remove this(Save the Cover) and connect your A3700 to the Pins. Then Power On both devices.
3. The L1400s Power is on the Top Right of the device, hold the button down for 3 seconds until you see the PAX Logo. The A3700s Power is on the Bottom Right, do the same and hold the button down until you see the PAX Logo.
Establishing a LAN Network Connection,
Note: You only need to connect to the network on your L1400, the A3700(Card Reader) Receives its connection from the L1400 when connected.
1. Ensure you have followed the ‘Connecting your Hardware’ Section on Page 3 to verify you plugged in your Ethernet Cable correctly.
2. Open the Android Settings App on the Home Screen.
3. Select Network & Internet and then Ethernet, ensuring it’s Toggled to the ON position.
4. You should immediately establish a network connection and obtain an IP Address, although this does depend on your network.
- If you’re not receiving a network connection or acquiring an IP Address then you should contact your site IT for further assistance.
Establishing a Wi-Fi Network Connection,
1. Under the same setting, Network & Internet ensure Wi-Fi is Toggled to the ON position.
2. Then Select Wi-Fi and connect to your desired wireless network.
- If you’re not receiving a network connection or acquiring an IP Address then you should contact your site IT for further assistance.
Once you have successfully connected to your desired Network on the L1400, verify that your A3700 is receiving that Network Connection.
Verifying a Successful Tether on your A3700,
1. When the A3700 is seated properly with the L1400 you should see an Ethernet/Pogo Symbol in the Top Right corner of the A3700 Display.
- If this symbol is absent, the cable/pins may not be seated properly, or the L1400 may not have a Network Connection.
- Without the Ethernet/Pogo Symbol you cannot accept or process payments.
2. After a successful connection has been verified proceed with configuring the Android Settings.
Configuring the Android Settings on Both Devices,
- Some of the settings below will automatically adjust after connecting to your Network.
- You may be prompted for a password to access Android Settings on the A3700, pax9876@@ is the password.
L1400 & A3700 Android Settings | Value |
Display > Screen Timeout | Never |
Display > Display Size | Small |
Display > Font Size | Small |
Display > Brightness | Max |
Security > Screen Lock | None |
System > Date & Time | Verify Time/Date is Correct and turn on Automatic Date & Time Zone |
System > Languages & Input > Virtual Keyboard > Android Keyboard > Text Correction > Show Correction Suggestions | OFF |
System > Languages & Input > Virtual Keyboard > Android Keyboard > Text Correction > Auto-Correction | OFF |
System > Languages & Input > Virtual Keyboard > Android Keyboard > Text Correction > Personalized Suggestions | OFF |
System > Languages & Input > Virtual Keyboard > Android Keyboard > Text Correction > Next Word Suggestions | OFF |
Verifying Firmware & App Versions,
(The process is very similar for both devices)
1. Beginning with the L1400, start by navigating to the PAXStore App on the Home Screen
2. When the PAXStore App is opened, navigate to the My Apps section.
3. Under My Apps, you should only see 1 “Purchased” App in this section, which should be your STV POS App.
4. Open the App Details by Pressing anywhere within the Green Highlighted Area. If you select Open then that will Open the STV POS App.
5. Verify you are on the correct and most updated version of the SkyTab Venue App. New App Versions are constantly being released, so I suggest verifying with your Enterprise Account Manager or with venuesupport@shift4.com to ensure the version you’re on is what is needed for your site to operate
6. Next, we’ll select the Back Arrow in the Top Left of the screen
7. Then, select the ‘Hamburger’ Menu in the Top Left of the screen.
8. This navigates you to the Terminal Information page. Your Device Serial should be at the Top Center of the screen.
- Here we will select Firmware Update to verify our Version and check for any pending updates.
9. Verify your Firmware Version and allow any Pending Updates to complete. If you’re unsure what Firmware Version you should be on, please contact your Enterprise Account Manager or venuesupport@shift4.com.
Finally, minimize the PAXStore App, Pause on the L1400, and move on to the A3700,
- Begin by following the previous steps 1 and 2 from the L1400 Section.
- Under My Apps, you should only see 3 “Purchased” Apps in this section, which should be your STV POS App, BroadPOS Manager, and BroadPOS Lite Shift4.
- Open each App Details and Verify their versions. If you’re unsure of the versions you should be on, I suggest verifying with your Enterprise Account Manager or with venuesupport@shift4.com to ensure the version you’re on is what is needed for your site to operate successfully.
Execute Steps 6-9 as previously done from the L1400 Section.
After you have completed all the above steps and all or any pending updates, you may connect the A3700 via the USB C cable provided by following the next steps.
Connecting your A3700 to your L1400 via the USB C Cable,
1. Begin by removing the A3700 from the Pogo Pins and reinstalling the Pogo Pin Cover we saved.
2. Then connect one end of the USB C Cable to the only other open USB C Port at the bottom of the L1400.
- If you installed the Mounting Plate at any time during the setup process, it will need to be removed to connect the USB C Cable.
- Proceed to Page Two, ‘Attaching and Removing the Mounting Plate’ if you require assistance with the removal.
3. Finally, connect the other end of the USB C Cable to the bottom of the A3700.
4. Once both are connected, you should see an Ethernet/Pogo Symbol in the Top Right corner of the A3700 Display.
- If this symbol is absent, the cable may not be seated properly or the L1400 has no Network Connection.
- Without the Ethernet/Pogo Symbol you cannot accept or process payments.
Launching the SkyTab Venue App,
1. Beginning with the L1400, return to your home screen and Launch your VN POS App.
2. On the first launch of the SkyTab Venue App on the L1400 you will be presented with the option to, “Always open VN POS when A3700 is connected.” Select the Check Box(Agree) and select OK to proceed.
3. You will then be presented with a QR Code to register the hardware. If you’re unsure of how to proceed, please follow the SkyTab Venue Hardware Registration Guide.
4. Once you have successfully registered the hardware you may open the SkyTab Venue App on the A3700.
5. On the first launch, you will be prompted to set your VN POS App as your Default Home App. Select your App and then select Set as Default.
- This allows the SkyTab Venue App to automatically Launch on each reboot as the A3700 performs a PCI Compliance reboot every morning.
6. Following this, you will move to an Idle Screen that may display, “Please Configure Your POS”
7. From here, move back to the L1400 and proceed with selecting your Menu Configuration.
- Begin by selecting, Customer Facing Display POS → Next
8. Then you will be presented with your Menu Selection.
- Select the Menu that pertains to your Device/Location → Next
9. Finally, you will be prompted to select whether you’re printing to a USB Connected Printer, Cloud Printer, or no printing.
- USB/Device Printer would indicate you have a printer connected directly to the workstation.
- All the other options would be a Cloud Printer
- If you’re unsure what to select please contact venuesupport@shift4.com or work with your Site IT.
- After selecting the option that pertains to this device, choose Done.
Upon selecting Done you will be presented with a PIN Login screen and your A3700 will move to an Idle Screen that contains the name of the Menu you have chosen.
- You should proceed with Logging Into the POS and start a transaction. Complete the transaction by running it through the card reader and completing the payment.
- Make sure you do not encounter any errors during the transaction. If you do please contact venuesupport@shift4.com for assistance.
If you have any questions or concerns about the setup process or are running into any issues please inform your Enterprise Account Manager or contact venuesupport@shift4.com.
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