This FAQ document covers offline transaction syncing enhancements and order state updates released in QS POS version 2.25.11 and later
1. Why were offline indicators removed from the Orders List?
This update was released on 9/21
A limitation of PAX’s batch sync of offline transactions is when one transaction in the batch fails to sync, the entire batch is reported as unsynced. This results in an inaccurate depiction of the number or orders yet to sync and frustration as to why they never appear to sync – many have in fact synced however the POS application is unaware which ones.
The “Offline Card Transactions” metric in the Device Summary screen has been improved and should be solely relied upon as the measure of offline transactions yet to sync.
2. Why were Submitted and Submission Failed orders hidden from the Orders List?
This update was released on 9/21
Submitted Orders occur when the card reader has been initialized but the transaction is interrupted due to a crash or manual reboot of the device. The POS application is unaware if the transaction reached the gateway or timed out
Submission Failed Orders occur when a cashier or guest cancels a transaction after initializing the card reader OR if a card is declined and not retried successfully.
These Submitted and Submission Failed orders create anxiety for the cashier by giving them an impression that they need to rectify these orders. They do not. This is not “lost revenue”. These are abandoned orders.
Submitted and Submission Failed orders will still be reported in DataNow to troubleshoot outlier devices with “irregular” usage. Note: the Submission Failed state will be changed to Canceled in an upcoming release (see FAQ #4)
3. What are Defective Orders in the Orders List?
This update was released on 9/21
Defective Orders should occur infrequently and are typically due to a menu having been updated in Canopy or Inventory Management System (e.g. items deleted) but those updates have not been synced to the device. These orders do need to be rectified to sync them to the VenueNext platform. View the details of these Defective Orders on the POS to get insights into the issue and what must be corrected for the order to sync. Once the necessary corrections have been made, tap the Sync button in each order’s details to resubmit the order to the VenueNext platform.
4. How to verify that a PAX device is capable of syncing offline transactions?
This update was released on 10/4
A PAX device requires a stable connection to the internet to sync offline transactions. A common misconception is that the Android Wifi indicator in the upper right corner of the screen is a measure of internet connectivity. It is not. This is a measure of signal strength to the access point. Another misconception is that Ethernet connected devices inherently have a “good” internet connection. This is also not necessarily true.
To verify that a device is capable of syncing offline transactions, a new Network troubleshooting section has been added to Debug Info (Hamburger icon > Debug Info > Network). This new section:
- Tests that all necessary domains/IP addresses are reachable and not blocked by a firewall (see Network Whitelist). Please contact your network administrator if a domain/IP in the list is noted as "FAILED"
- Tests the signal strength to the access point and internet connection speed using Tap the link to test the upload and download speed for the device. 10 Mbps upload and 5 Mbps download speeds are the minimum required
If the device meets speed and network firewall requirements and still cannot sync offline transactions, please contact VenueNext support for deeper troubleshooting. Please be prepared to show photos/videos of the Network troubleshooting section for that device.
5. What are Canceled POS Orders in DataNow?
This update was released on 10/11
Prior to this POS update, if a cashier or guest exited a transaction after initializing the card reader (i.e. pressed the Cancel / Go Back button), that attempted order would be reported as “Submission Failed” in DataNow. These exited/abandoned order attempts will now be reported as “Canceled”. Furthermore if a card is declined and retried unsuccessfully, that attempted order will now also be reported as “Canceled”.
6. Why does DataNow show that a device has Approved Offline Orders even though the Offline Card Transactions count on the device itself is 0?
This update was released on 10/11
Refer to FAQ #1 regarding the complications with Failed batch upload transactions.
A new automated nightly procedure will compare Approved Offline orders with Lighthouse Transaction Manager (LTM) invoices and automatically adjust orders to Completed if they are Approved in LTM. Given that this procedure runs nightly you may temporarily see orders as Approved Offline in DataNow if they synced to LTM today.
7. When should a manager clear the Orders List?
This update was released on 10/11
If Approved orders from prior days events are listed in the Orders List and the Offline Card Transactions count is 0 AND the Defective Orders Count is 0, a manager may clear the Orders List by navigating to Debug Info > Software and pressing the Clear button. The manager will be required to enter their manager PIN to authorize the procedure.
These Approved orders from prior days events are due to the complications with Failed batch upload transactions mentioned in FAQ #1. They have synced however the device is unaware.
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